System Thinking

The photos of the profile and facade of Chrystie House with 12-circled "flower of life" superimposed.
Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian man” and the architectural drawing of the facade of the Parthenon, with the 12-circled “flower of life” superimposed.
many Georgian colonial-style houses, the design of Chrystie House was influenced by classical architecture. Still, because it closely followed a diagram, the 12-circled "flower of life" called by the field of sacred geometry made the house a perfect example of a house built with classical aesthetics. Many visionaries of the enlightenment era had researched the sacred geometry used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese. They applied it to astronomical, astrological, architectural, cosmological, geographical, and topographical studies. As a lifetime researcher on "System Thinking" and its roots in ancient civilizations, Yuan Lee researched some of their applications and found their usages in the Chrystie House and the Hudson River region.

The illustrations above show two photos of Chrystie House, with the diagram mentioned above superimposed on them. The 1927 photo of the relocating house provides a perfect side-view, while the 2011 photo after the restoration shows the entire facade. The facade was designed with the diagram as a square inscribed a circle, which inscribed 12 half-size circles; the profile design used a smaller square inside the big circle whose bottom side overlaps the big square. The two squares are 47:39 in size. As part of the same study, Yuan Lee discovered the diagram with the smaller square was the base Leonardo da Vinci used to create the "Vitruvian man"*, and the ancient Greek architects used 12-circled "flower of life" to design the Parthenon*. These findings and other related ones revealed how much the European Enlightenment influenced colonial America in the mid-18th century.

Hudson River is a north-south river that flows from the Adirondack Mountains through Hudson Valley to New York City and drains into the Atlantic Ocean. The River flows both ways; the highest tides formed in New York bay by the Atlantic currents and cosmos force push the saltwater to Albany and Troy. The relatively straight, bow-shaped River has a few twists and turns, providing spectacular vistas and positive energy fields that attract settlers, artists, landscape architects, and tourists worldwide. Since Henry Hudson's exploration in 1609, the developments of Hudson Valley manifested the interacting energies of the freshwater and saltwater economies. The Enlightenment thinkers had used the knowledge of Celestial navigation and topography to produce maps for human developments; many historical places in the Hudson Valley bear witness to that.

As an essential element of ancient Chinese sacred geometry, the diagram mentioned above was part of the geometrical tools the ancient Feng Shui practitioners had used. Initially used in astronomy, it became a tool to observe the wind(air) and water movements. The 12-angle concentric circles initially used to measure the movements of the constellations, observed from a vista point, allowed the time and spaces to be considered simultaneously. Even though they are misunderstood as too many "mystic" practices caused, their system thinking and methods are still relevant today. Yuan Lee has reversed the ancient map-making process on the Google map of the Hudson River and the tri-state area* to demonstrate how these ancient methods can still help understand the environment.
The map of the Hudson River was protracted with the vista lines. It was generated to indicate the energy flows of air and water. (Yuan Lee, copyrighted 2021)
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